Protect and uphold our rich diversity

GBM strongly urges the  newly established National Unity Consultative Council to issue an immediate statement against the rising politicisation of religous sentiment as well as calls upon the PM Najib Razak to censure extremist elements within Umno which are clearly linked to the groups that are stoking religious hostilities.

Read more: Protect and uphold our rich diversity

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Making History a pass subject: Why we must not agree to it

Rote learning and reproduction of politically and religiously skewed answers required to pass the SPM history exam will not serve anyone.  Only a well-balanced, truthful and accurate depiction of Malaysian and world history in our school textbooks will be to  the best interests of our young population.

Read more: Making History a pass subject: Why we must not agree to it

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Hindraf calls on Prime Minister Najib to get cracking on the Hindraf-BN MoU

press-stIt is ironical that on the one hand, we have this situation with regards to crime being addressed in a hurried manner with these police shootings and arrests and which does not assure sustainability anyway. On the other, we have the Hindraf Blueprint that promises to be a sure and sustainable remedy, and which will have long-term positive effects, effectively delayed.

Read more: Hindraf calls on Prime Minister Najib to get cracking on the Hindraf-BN MoU

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Incorporate the habeas corpus provision in the PCA

press-stThe government really should have no problems including the habeas corpus provision to allow the courts to review a detention as this will ensure that the fundamental rights of citizens against unlawful detention or of arbitrary interpretation of the law are not violated.
Incorporate the habeas corpus provision in the PCA

Read more: Incorporate the habeas corpus provision in the PCA

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