JAKIM In Every Government Dept Breach Of Secularism


Picture Credit: Deva Darshan on Unsplash


Sabah and Sarawak will not accept non-compliance on the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA'63) for de facto Islamic State! 



PRESS STATEMENT: Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Vice-President David Ong raised concerns regarding reports that officers from the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), will be placed in every government department to ensure decisions align with Islamic principles.



David highlighted the potential implications of such a move on Malaysia’s democracy and constitutional principles.



He also highlighted Malaysia’s diverse population, comprising individuals of various faiths and ethnicities and stressed the importance of upholding the constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion for all. 



He said the reported placement of religious officers in government departments could compromise the secular nature of institutions meant to serve all Malaysians impartially, irrespective of their religious beliefs.



David also stressed the importance of decisions being based on facts and the best interests of all Malaysians, rather than religious considerations.



Of particular concern was the potential for discrimination against non-Muslim citizens and civil servants, as well as the risk of religious considerations overshadowing merit and equality in government operations.



He cautioned against policies that could undermine equal opportunity and non-discrimination, fundamental for just and harmonious society.



While acknowledging Islam as the religion of the Federation, he reiterated the need for a clear separation between religious affairs and the secular functions of government to safeguard the rights and freedoms of all Malaysian.



Towards this end, he called on the government to clarify the reported policy and urged reconsideration if the reports were accurate.



LDP reaffirmed its commitment on democratic values, diversity and equal treatment for all citizens under the law. 



Ong stressed the importance of upholding Malaysia’s plurality and scrutinising actions that may jeopardize this delicate balance. 




This Press Statement first appeared here . . .




DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in the Press Statement do not necessarily represent those of the Center for Policy Initiatives (CPI).